SPP OO Energy
Project: Biggest Capacity Cast Resin Transformer in Asia
Date: 2010.01
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Company: SPP OO Energy
Project: Biggest Capacity Cast Resin Transformer in Asia
Date: 2010.01
This project has many stories. The most sad thing in this project is that I was the banned from company that I worked. I worked for ABB agency but before long time there is no competition between Hyosung and my company and I sell Hyosung’s oil transformer so I think they’re understand for my company’s policy. But it was my wrong idea.
I was off-limits to the story is as follows.
One day, head office wanted to know about project progressing. We already knew the progress of situation, but client preferred oil type transformer, and they were already receive quotation from 3 other companies. But there was too much difference between client’s budget and quotation and Hyosung never negotiated with client even they were most cheapest agency. So client asked head office by themselves. After received an inquiry, we discussed make a tender dry cast type TR with oil type transformer together,So We participated by Dry cast type TR with 3 other company’s oil type transformer in sealed bid auction. Maybe they’re never knew about our company’s bidding because of submit bid per-sonally.
And then, We can won the bid because lower than client’s budget. Actually it was too much burden to install the big- gest dry cast Transformer for client. But we persuaded 3 different points.
①It can save 30% space at the factory rather than oil transformer. ②ABB had a score for business and also client can reduce cost for 20%. ③ ABB is global company so client can have faith in quality.
After that time, Hyosung were panicked. Hyosung agency said to head office at the HY " we spied on Hyosung and don’t make a deal." So He was angry and sended e-mail for every Hyosung’s agency and factory.
①After that time YOOSUNG never ever sell Hyosung’s oil transformer anymore. ②Min choi is permitted to the access all Hyosung company. This is the reason why I be off-limits to the company.
Actually it was very difficult economic environment in 2010, So many people expressed concern about the customer's investment activities. At that time, what is difference between a company that had never compromise and made some concessions to a customer who did a invest in a difficult time. The parts that could see the future of the Hyosung.
Anyway Since then I was off-limits and did not visit once. Also did not make the sale of oil transformer. After that I can focus on sel- ling all of dry type transformer.
Unlike ABB-Korea’s grandiose title, it was so challenging project. In January 2010, the installation started and the final completion in September 2011. It should take is 1 year and 9 months of a long time. So there were many problem, su- ch as payment with head office or our financial situation. There's still regrets about to start for the project. But with the help of other cooperative company, there were several other projects are ordering. As a result, I feel better. I sincerely thanks for everyone who helped a long time.